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Quick Update: Leap Motion and a New Version of the Website

Here’s just a quick little post to keep you updated about what’s happening behind the scenes here.

For starters, I’ve got great news: my Leap has been shipped yesterday and is scheduled to arrive on Thursday (seem kinda late for a FedEx International Priority package but whatever… at least it’s really coming this time) Tuesday. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I advise you go read this post. You can count on me to write a review after I’ve tested it in all possible ways. To be the first ones to know when my review is published, you can subscribe using the form on the right :-)

A new version of the website is also underway. Here are the main changes for that second version:

  • I’m now using Twitter’s Bootstrap framework
  • There’s only one website for both the desktop and mobile versions, thanks to the easy responsive design provided by Bootstrap
  • New, cleaner interface
  • I’ve also switched to Disqus to manage comments

I’m quite proud of the end result :-)

It’s still under construction, so you’ll have to wait a little before it gets here. However, most of the work is done. When everything’s finished I’ll just have to translate everything, so normally it should be up by the end of next week. If you want to take a look, head over to http://v2.plpeeters.com/blog/ As you can see, it’s online ;-)

Tell me what you think in the comments.

By the way, I’m looking for a graphic designer that would enjoy creating a logo for my website :-)

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