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Happy New Year 2014!

2013 has been a year full of new discoveries and gadgets. Among what I shared here, I mainly remember the release of the Leap, the announcement of Phonebloks, the shutdown of Google Reader and the release of the Android Device Manager.

Wait, someone’s telling me in my earpiece that I forgot something… Oh, of course! The whole Snowden case! The major event of 2013. Edward Snowden, the man that, at 29 years old, sacrificed everything for what is, in his opinion (and mine), a good cause. His life will never be the same again; he’ll spend the rest of it hiding and looking over his shoulder. The press can say whatever they want, I think it’s obvious that Edward Snowden is the person of the year for 2013. There’s one thing anyone can do to help him: react. Ensure that he didn’t do what he did for nothing, which is his biggest fear.

The greatest fear that I have, regarding the outcome for America, of these disclosures is that nothing will change. People will see in the media, all of these disclosures; they’ll know the lengths that the government is going to grant themselves powers, unilaterally, to create greater control over american society and global society. But, they won’t be willing to take the risks necessary to stand up and fight to change things, to force their representatives to actually take a stand in their interests. And, the months ahead, the years ahead, it’s only going to get worse. Edward Snowden

2013 is also:

  • 29 posts published, including 11 news, 6 tutorials, 3 apps and 10 in the ‘other’ category,
  • 25,779 words written on these pages in English, as well as 36,927 in French, which totals to 62,706 words,
  • 26,675 views, which is 2,223 views per month on average,
  • €14.51 AdSense revenue,
  • €2 of donations.

Without you, this wouldn’t have been possible, so thank you very much.

I wish you all a happy New Year’s Eve and a happy new year 2014, full of surprises and happiness.

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